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Arecibo Observatory Back to Work

     I visited the Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico when I was six years old and it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. However, soon after, it was decided that funding for the observatory would slowly be cut off until it shut down...the biggest single telescope in the world was being shut down! This bums me out still today.
     However, a recent advancement made be scientists at the ARO may change the current pattern of funding towards the telescope. Until now, estimates of mass for asteroids and other orbiting bodies were close but could have been off by quite a bit, making understanding them completely very difficult. Scientists at the Arecibo dish have determined a way to measure the mass of an orbiting body using the radio dish. This new technology may be just enough to keep the institution alive and functioning as the world's biggest and most famous telescope.
     I chose this article because the Arecibo Observatory is very importtant to me and my choice to follow my interest in Astronomy. I am personally very glad that the ARO is being kept alive because I believe that, despite its age, it is one of the best radio observatories the world has ever and will ever see. I loved the news from this article.

Radio Observatory Receives More Money

     For astronomers and other scientists, it is important to use as much of what is available to get information. That is why astronomers, often thought about only using visible-light telescopes, seek to use other wavelengths of light that we cannot see. Radio Astronomy is one of the biggest alternative wavelengths that is used. Radio telescopes are huge radio dishes that are used to gather large amounts of low-energy light that can help us learn about how the universe and specifically the galaxies formed. Radio lets us see through dust and gas that visible light cant pass through.
     Interferometry, or the combining of collected signals from multiple radio dishes, is used to peer farther and deeper into space. The ESA has been working on getting an African observatory set up to become part of an Atlantic-wide interferometer. Money for the SKA, or the Square Kilometer Array, was finally approved, so the costruction of the system will begin in South Africa soon. This will become part of the largest telescope ever built...letting us see more than ever before.
     The Radio Observatory is very important to me because of the role it has played in my life, so I chose this article to show that. It sounds weird, but my experiences around radio observatories have pointed me in the direction I am currently going in life. The creation of this radio interferometer specifically is very exciting for people like me because it foreshaddows great discoveries in the future. We cant even imagine what understanding this will bring us!

Cool...Quantum Dots

Here is one of those random posts...A fairly new and very potential-filled technology that has come onto the scene recently is the quantum dot. A quantum dot is a piece of semi-conductor material that is extremely small. In this form they have special powers that I am not going to try to explain. However they can be used in very cool ways. They have the potential to increase the efficiency of solar panels, photodetectors and even TV's. One group used this technology to create a camera chip that is almost a Billion times more sensative than the average CCD chip. This has potential applications in astronomy observations to cell phones. It is expensive now but will become cheaper so it is very cool!

I chose this article because I am quite interested in the use of quantum dots to improve current technologies. I even included them in the product that I am developing and might be receiving a patent for. I find it exciting that we can now use the things that we were unaware of just a few decades ago!

Senior Year...How has it been?

     Senior year is almost over...just a few more days. I am very glad this is the case, and senior year wasn't my best (I mean, being 5 years old is awesome). But there were plenty of great things about senior year. Most of my classes were acceptable...most. I met great new people, kept in touch with great friends, saw great places and great things...These things all happened in my other years of high school, so what made senior year special? I dont know...maybe it was just knowing that it was almost over, or knowing that I was the top of the food chain...I just dont know for sure...but it was great!

Tech Next Year...Plans?

I am going to Virginia Tech Polytechnic Institute and State University next year and I am very excited. And although I am going as a Physics major my future is still quite unsure to me. I took AP Physics this year and I thought I would do well at the start, but I soon found that this was not the truth. My failure in AP Physics made me question my 10 year long plan to major in the subject. I am also planning on double majoring, completing a geology degree as well. This I am not worried about because rocks don't come with formulas to explain them. But I must say I am nervous about the future...but mainly excited! Go Tech!

How Senioritis Can Hurt Not Only You, But The Ones Around You

     I gotta be honest...I hate school now. Its not the teachers or anything, because I dont think they want to be there either. However, the work is turning into more of a pain than ever before. Yes, as of now I only have four or five more days left but, that seems like such a long time. I'm not saying anything new here...I would guess that most Seniors agree that senioritis is a terrible but unavoidable disease. What I was unaware of is that Senioritis is highly contageous...even to lower classmen!
     I am affraid to say that I have inadvertently poisoned some children...I probably gave them senioritis...and I want to say I am very, very very sorry because this might lead to their downfall, early downfall.

Transit of Venus! Woooo!

Today, June 5th, 2012, is a very special date to astronomers around the world. An event, which has been known about by the Maya since before it was even visible, is happening that will not happen again for about 105 years! Ah! It is the transit of Venus...what this means is that Venus, for about seven hours, will be seen moving across the disc of the sun in the sky. Now Venus is about the size of the earth and is very far away. The sun is more than 100 times the diameter of the sun so...Venus's shaddowy image will be very small against the bright fact to small to see without a telescope (make sure it is a solar telescope or you will die). It only occurs every once in a long time because of the nature of our solar system. We orbit around the sun at 93million miles and to us our orbit is flat, but Venus is tilted at about 3.5 degrees and is closer to the sun. Venus's year is shorter than ours as well. The only time we will see the sun and Venus align is when we are at a node, where the orbits of earth and Venus cross the orbital plane. We have to be at the node the same time Venus is in order to see Venus transit...doesnt happen often!
    I love astronomy and I have for over 10 years, so I chose this article to express that. I really believe that too few people know what they should about the things beyond our own tiny world, and I feel like I can and need to help them learn. This article provides the information, but not enough people are seeing it. Luckily, because this event is so rare, many news outlets let people know that it was happening...we are on our way to the goal...


Foreign Current Event #5 - Nigeria Violence, Religious Tension Snaps

The division between the poor, Muslim north and the wealthier, Christian south in Nigeria is growing more and more clear under the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan. The radical Islamist sect from the north, Boko Haram, has been causing more violence than ever before. The reason is probably Boko Haram's strong disagreement with the president's Western-focused education and political beliefs. This weekend, a Catholic church along the north-south divide was targeted by a carbombing attack, which killed three and injured many others. In responce, many young citizens from the town hunted down and killed about ten people that they blamed for the attack. The catholic church never advocates violence, even in responce to an attack, which just shows how this battle has transended religious divides and has gotten to a point where many of the people fighting don't even know why.

Foreign Current Event #4 - Great Britain - Scotish Politics News

Over the past few decades there have been many referenda in Scotland over the issue of independence from Britain. Each has had different results, but there has always been a fairly large support for Scotish independence. The main hang-up on gaining support has always been the issue of whether Scotland can support itself economically without Britain. Recently, the Scotish Finance Secretary has come out and said that "There can no longer be any argument over whether Scotland can afford to be independent." He has also used data to try to make the Scotish people realize that they aren't exactly getting a fair deal from Britain. Although Scotland makes up only 8.4% of Britain's population, they have been paying 9.6% of the country's taxes, with only 9.3% of the money comming back to them. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years with this issue, and how it will effect Britain as a whole, as well as independence efforts in Wales and Northern Ireland.


Foreign Current Event #3 - Great Britain - Welsh Politics News

Plaid Cymru Logo.New.png

     Plaid Cymru (pronounced Pla-eed Kem-ree) is a Welsh regional political party. Formed in 1925, it didnt gain any seats in parliament until the 1960's. With devolution begining to occur, Welsh political parties are starting to gain more power. Plaid Cymru is one of the smaller Welsh parties but is growing in support.
     The current leader of the party, Ieuan Wyn Jones (pronounced Yoo-wan Oo-wen Jones), is stepping down this year and is taking responsibility for the party's poor turnout during the last election. Election ballots have been sent out to Plaid Cymru members and lower-level leaders to appoint a new leader. The results will be known by March 15th. Candidates are competing over their views on issues such as water access rights and nuclear power in the Dwyfor Meirionnydd (pronounced Doo-er-vour May-reeo-neth) region of the nation. Wales, a country that is a leader in biomass-based fuel sources, is starting to see more support for nuclear power. Jobs, clean energy and improved infrastructure are all hopes for the new party leadership.


Foreign Current Event #2 - Nigerian Confilct in the North

     This Monday, the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri was disturbed by a break out of fighting in the city's market. The fighting was started by the Radical Islamist sect called Boko Haram. That name literally means "Western culture is forbidden" and the group's goal is to stop western influences in the country. Although the suspected cause of the attack is increasing tention between the Muslin north and the governments attempts to stop the spread of Shariah Law, it is really just the result of the long-building tensions likely due to economic and social disparity between the north and south. Southern Nigeria is mainly Christian and is wealthier due to rich oil reserves off the coast. Northern Nigeria, which is almost completely Muslim, has suffered due to a weak economy and unequal distribution of oil-based funds.


Foreign Current Event #1 - Russia in Chaos

It has been a common sight on the news and in the papers; tens of thousands of people standing in the streets in front of the Kremlin in Moscow. In the coldest European winter in decades, these people stood in protest in the cold for hours...why? Well, it has to do with the recent controversy that has broken out over the re-election efforts of Vladimir Putin. Some videos came out during the elections of what appeared to be stuffed ballot-boxes, before the voting even started. Putin, although he hasn't been the president over the past few years, has still been the main source of power in the country. This is due in part to the complex set-up of the government, which had both a president and a prime minister. Although there were large numbers of people in protest this weekend, it is not necessarily representative of the popular view. Putin has great support in the country, much of which is through United Russia. 

Last Political Cartoon...I think...

Obama Pulls A Tebow
I can't read the signature on this cartoon so, again, I'm not sure who drew it.
-The cartoon depicts Obama, the current president (duh), pulling a "Tebow", which requires you to take a knee, rest an elbow on your leg, and pray...simple.
-So what is he praying for? Well he is giving thanks for the current "crop of GOP candidates". The reason he is doing this is because the Republican field appears weak, confused and reaching for something that can bring Obama down. It appears, so far at least, that Obama is safe. As more candidates drop out, Obama seems to have more and more of a chance. But at the same time, as the field clears, the GOP support is focused on fewer people.
-The cartoon shows how Obama probably feels right now as he watches the GOP primaries and debates. The general feel both on the GOP and Democrat sides is that the field has no one of great promise. Romney, the past and current frontrunner, is viewed as boring, inconsistant and unable to beat Obama. This cant make Obama feel any worse.
-The cartoon makes fun of both the GOP and Tim Tebow at the same time. "The Tebow Craze" is reaching its end now, but the GOP is getting smaller, and it seems, may be done soon as well.
It does not appear that the artist has a strong bias. If any, it would be a bias against the GOP, but any commentary against the GOP through this cartoon appears to be just a reflection on the general view.

A look back at the 1st Half of the year........

     As I look back on my first half of my last year of high school, I see many great things and just as many that arent so great. What I mean is this: High School has been great because of the people and the fun that comes with them. High School (and especially this year) has been anti-great becasue of the work load and the stress. Now that I am done with college apps, I imagine (and hope) that some if not all of this stress will go away.
     As far as my Comparative Government class, it did not go as I had planned, to be honest. I usually do very very well in History-type classes, but this year was a different story. I wont go into all the details, but the general idea is that I am not happy about my performance in US Gov. However, I am looking forward to the CompGov half of the year, because this subject interests me greatly. Lets go team China! If only I had Huntsman on my side...

Political Cartoon #6

-this cartoon is by Nate Beeler
-the cartoon depicts two of the Republican Nominees for President: Mitt Romney (with his media-strong, high-cost campaign) and Rick Santorum (with his low-cost, roots-based campaign)
-The cartoon is referencing Santorums quick rise to the top during the recent Iowa caucuses, which was for the most part unforseen. Romney has been on top from the beginning of the election campaigns, and Santorum has been hanging in the bottom three up until now. The image appears to be mocking the false-optimism brought to Santorum and his supporters from his second place "victory" in Iowa. Santorum and Romney may be even, but the Mitt Monster truck has much more momentum than Santorum's trike. The sign is pointing on to New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida.
-This deals with Santorums quick rise to the top, and the prediction by most that it will not make any huge impact on the success of him campaign.
-The author is showing how many American feel about Santorum as a potential presidential nominee, but it appears to me that he is also somewhat biased against Santorum and against the GOP as a whole.

Who has the best chance to be the GOP Nominee???

Romney...its that easy. I, like most other people, have said it all along. Of course, ever flavor-of-the-month that has risen in the polls has created some doubt (and hope) the Romney is a definite nominee. But he is the only one who has stayed consistantly in first (averaging between 21% and 26%). Although many are reluctant to vote for him because he is inconsistant with the issues, comes across at boring and doesnt appear to be very strong in debates, he has remained in front.The reasons are the other options, there hasnt been anyone so far (besides Gingrich and he is iffy) that has come across as both strong enough to beat Romney and to beat Obama. Romney will be the nominee...80% chance....Gingrich 10%...Paul 8%...Santorum

My favorite holliday memory?

When I was 11 years old, my family went to Belize, a small country of the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. We found a guy who owned a small 4 acre island about 26 miles of the coast, and he agreed to give us a big discount to stay there for about a week (that is the only thing that let us do this...never would able to afford it usually). We travelled out to the island on a 20foot wooden motor boat, and stayed in one of three cabins on the island. For that week, the population of the island was eight: me, my parents, my sister, the owner of the island and a cook, as well as their two golden retrievers. We spent the days on the great beaches, fishing in the clear water (we had no fishing poles so we used our hands), snorkeling and diving. It was great. Even though I was bitten by one of the dogs and nearly passed out from loosing blood (not quite) it was still fun. Despite that, we went diving at an 80 year-old shipwreck the next day...however, we were soon visited by a 7foot Carribean Reef Shark who aparently smelled my blood in the water.

Political Cartoon

-The artist of this cartoon appears to be a guy names Tornoe
-The two men on the left are the average American viewers of the election and all the drama that comes with it. The man on the horse is supposed to be a confused Ron Paul. The background is slightly random, but I believe it is supposed to be a reference to Don Quixote (Ron Quixote...get it)
-The very average wear of the men on the left suggest their position in middle-class America, and they are also the stereotypical middle-aged white male. Paul, sitting on his high horse clad in not-so-shining armor, represents his generally out of place feel - being a non-republican republican candidate with far-out views.
-The cartoon simply represents the views of Ron Paul, which are considered to be quite radical, and his absense from the campaigning until recently..."he looks kindof...lost"
-The author doesnt have a much of a bias, or doesnt show it if he does, he is simply showing how many people feel.