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A look back at the 1st Half of the year........

     As I look back on my first half of my last year of high school, I see many great things and just as many that arent so great. What I mean is this: High School has been great because of the people and the fun that comes with them. High School (and especially this year) has been anti-great becasue of the work load and the stress. Now that I am done with college apps, I imagine (and hope) that some if not all of this stress will go away.
     As far as my Comparative Government class, it did not go as I had planned, to be honest. I usually do very very well in History-type classes, but this year was a different story. I wont go into all the details, but the general idea is that I am not happy about my performance in US Gov. However, I am looking forward to the CompGov half of the year, because this subject interests me greatly. Lets go team China! If only I had Huntsman on my side...

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