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Week 2 Question - What is one political issue I'm concerned with?

Well, you picked a very good question...ummm, well, let me think.................................................................
Alright, if I must talk only about one issue, I would say it would be the gridlock that keeps holding everything up over there in Washington. Why? What a stupid question for me to ask myself! Because the Republicans and Democrats on the Congress have been voting partisanly, over the past year especially, nothing big has really happened. Even in smaller issue votes, they often vote along party lines...look at these.

Besides being annoying, it also goes against the point of government. A politician in the house or senate should vote to represent the views of the people they are representing, or they should vote for what they believe is the best thing. Gridlock occurs when polticians vote along with the majority of their party to either: make more senior members of their party happy, make the other party frustrated and prevent them from doing anything on their agenda (whether they agree with it or not) or just because they dont really know what to do. Until politicians start to work together again, nothing is going to get done, or at least not fast enough.

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