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Week 2 Current Event

         For several weeks now, Herman Cain was been climbing in popularity and recognition within the Republican Candidate group. Just a few months ago, a hardly heard-of businessman names Herman Cain burst on to the scene as a possible Presidential contender with a healthy amount of momentum. Cain first appeared in the long list of possible candidates in March of 2011. At this point, only 21% of Americans reported recognizing Cain, not as a potential candidate, but at all.  He quickly made himself know through broad-casted Republican debates and mass media. After announcing his run for the presidency in late May, his recognition jumped up to 41%, and this number continued to rise. By the first week of October, 2011, this number had risen to 61%, a rise matched only by Bachmann earlier in the year.
        Cain is different from all the other people currently in the Republican field. His most outstanding, and often most appealing feature, is that he isn't a politician. This most likely contributed to his rapid rise, but this makes sense. Recently, Americans have shown disappointment in the government, confirmed by the 13% approval rating for the Senate (October, 2011). Cain's experience as a businessman, from running the Godfather's Pizza Company, gives people the idea that he might be a good person to have in office during a time of economic struggle.
       One thing is evident through all of this. People like Cain. As of the end of September, Herman Cain's favorability rating among those who reported knowing him was more than twice as high as the runner-up Mitt Romney, with 34/1 (highly favorable to highly unfavorable). It is apparent through the Republican debates which have been held recently, that Cain has strong knowledge of how government works and what the problems are. He has shown that he can compete with actual politicians, and has used his knowledge of economics to bring in support. However, I dont see Herman Cain becomming the Republican Nominee for President next year. He just doesnt have the confidence of the people who would be voting. I believe that by the end of this November, Cain will have dropped back behind Romney and most likely Perry as well. This will be because, by this point, people will begin to see that he just doesnt have the political experience which is so greatly needed to be a good president. However, I do feel as if Romney, who I believe will ultimatly be chosen as the Republican nominee, would be smart to choose Cain as a VP. This would give strength to the Republican ticket, stemming from Cain's economic knowledge, and it would also make Romney's "plain" character stand out more.

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