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Question #1: what political party are you most closely aligned with and why?
I do not associate myself with any party. I feel like there are both good things and not so good things within each party's agenda/ideology. I am fairly liberal in social issues, and fit into the libertarian party most comfortably in that area. However, in issues dealing with the economy and the federal government's size/power/limitations I tend to lean to the conservative side. Overall, I have been rated as a "liberal centrist." I usually end up supporting republican candidates during elections..lesser of two evils...


Mid-week Status Report

Well, the first quarter interims are comming out soon, and I can't say I'm happy with any of my grades as they are right now. I believe I have set a new personal record for lowest grade on a grade report with a 25% in astronomy (missed half of the assignments). Beside all that fun stuff, not much has happened. CLC's tonight were fun, but as is normal for me, I could afford Chipotle and am going hungry again...For all you reading this by the way, I feel bad for you. Why you might is sad that you care what I write, but flatering so keep it up...I'm hungry so im gonna stop typing now, so as Mr. Timn would say "I'm gonna get me some of that ice cream boy..."



"Governing dynamics, gentlemen. Governing dynamics. Adam Smith … was wrong" - John Nash
refering to the great economic theorist, whose work stood for decades as the standard rule, but was shown to be wrong. Why this is the name of my blog, and why my nick name is Governing Dynamics, is a long story Im not willing to talk about...


         My name is Ian Godwin, you probably already know that if you are looking at my blog. The purpose of this blog is to post news articles and other things like that for AP CompGov, but again, you probably already know that. Just for some info, my favorite movie and band and food and all those other common questions people ask...all those are unanswerable at this time...sorry. The name of this blog, if you are wondering, comes from a quote from the movie "A Beautiful Mind"...I will provide this quote, and will provide a new one every week...yay...